2. Publishing Workflow#

The academic publishing life-cycle consists of four distinct steps: composing, reviewing, publishing and presenting. Researchers need to write down their findings, get them reviewed and revised, formally publish them adhering to bibliometric standards, and, finally, present their work in different formats: as academic writing, conference talks, poster sessions, promotional videos, blog posts, press releases and public engagement events, among others. Each artefact produced in this process constitutes a different entry point to the research outputs, allowing a diverse audience to freely explore a wide range of its – theoretical, computational and experimental – aspects. However, despite sharing a common origin, the current publishing workflow requires us to craft each piece of this mosaic separately.

To address this issue, we propose a proof-of-concept pipeline for composing academic articles, computational notebooks and presentations from a single curated source, helping to document and disseminate research in accessible, transparent and reproducible formats. To this end, we harness modern web technologies, e.g., reveal.js, and open-source software from the Jupyter ecosystem, in particular Jupyter Book and Jupyter Notebook/Lab. Such an approach allows exploring and interacting with research outputs directly in a web browser (including mobile devices), thus alleviating technological and software barriers – akin to what PDF did for electronic documents. Finally, we tackle the review step by linking it to the document source, which permits a much more structured and conversational process that feels more natural and intuitive.


The backbone of our workflow are documents written in MyST Markdown – an extended markdown syntax that supports basic academic publishing features such as tables, figures, mathematical typesetting and bibliography management. Content written in this format is highly interoperable and can be converted to LaTeX, HTML, PDF or EPUB outside of the proposed system, thus serve as a source for, or a component of, other authoring environments. The key to automatically composing a variety of output formats is the syntactic sugar allowing to superficially split the content into fragments and annotate them. These tags prescribe how each piece of prose, figure or code should be treated – e.g., included, skipped or hidden – when building different target formats. Then, Jupyter Book can process selected fragments to generate web documents and computational narratives, the latter of which may be launched as Jupyter Notebooks with either MyBinder or Google Colab. While this is already a step towards “reproducibility by design”, having content that depends on code implicitly encourages releasing it as a software package that can be invoked whenever necessary, therefore improving reproducibility even further. The aforementioned source annotation can also specify a slide type and its content in a presentation composed with reveal.js, streamlining yet another aspect of the academic publishing workflow. While each of these artefacts is destined for web publication, their trimmed version can also be exported to formats such as PDF or EPUB.


In the proposed workflow, we envisage storing the document source in a version-controlled environment similar to git, which has two benefits. First, it enables tracking changes in the document, versioning it and monitoring its evolution through various workshops, conferences and journals submissions. Secondly, such a setting supports peer review inspired by code review in software engineering. In this model, the reviewers could attach their comments to specific locations in the paper, allowing other reviewers to chime in and the paper authors to address very specific concerns explicitly linked to the submitted document. Furthermore, this structure creates a discussion-like experience, which should feel more natural to humans – akin to comments and discussions in shared document writing platforms such as Google Docs, Microsoft Office Word and Overleaf. The entire process can be made more structured and objective by providing the reviewers with general checklists and a collection of tags to annotate each of their concerns (e.g., typo, derivation error or incorrect citation). The rebuttal and revision stage is also simplified in this framework since all of the changes applied to the document are tracked and can be linked to individual reviewer comments.

Such a formalisation of the review–rebut–revise cycle significantly increases the transparency and provenance of the entire process. This approach can be trialled through the Pull Request functionality of commercial code sharing platforms, such as GitHub or Bitbucket, before investing more time and resources into the development of a dedicated (self-hosted and open-source) technology. While doing so would not allow for anonymous peer-review, the process could start with implementing and improving upon the aforementioned model operationalised by the the Open Journals, helping to identify and prioritise features expected of the dedicated platform. Similarly, displaying a reviewer’s comments could be delayed until the review is finalised to avoid bias, followed by merging them with other comments placed in close proximity. Notably, adapting the proposed review format would not require version-control or software engineering skills since all of the complexities are abstracted away by the user interface. Since the review could be permanently attached to the submission, the implications of this approach would need to be studied and understood before enforcing it. Alternatively, or in addition to the above process, external services such as hypothesis1 or utterances2 – which are available as (experimental) Jupyter Book plugins – could be used to collaboratively review, comment, discuss or annotate submissions.


Since the content source is stored in a version-controlled environment, one can imagine submitting a document for review by specifying its particular version (e.g., by tagging a selected git commit), with the publication process following the same procedure. Such a versioning approach would also demystify the journey of a paper through various workshops, conferences and journals, and clarify the improvements made after each rejection. In this setting, bibliometrics can be achieved by automatically minting Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) upon publication, for example, using zenodo3, which is already integrated with software versioning mechanisms provided by GitHub and Bitbucket. Another bibliometrics strategy suitable for web technologies can be derived from tools such as Google Analytics, which could be deployed to collect fine-grained information about the readers and hyper-links pointing to and from the publication, thus allowing to build a detailed network of connected documents. While the format is intended for web publication, it can also be stored on a personal computer or converted into monolithic entities such as LaTeX, PDF or EPUB. This interoperability allows to archive any or all variants of the document to ensure its longevity and accessibility. Notably, by connecting the local copy to a custom execution environment, the interactivity of the materials can be preserved offline.


The proposed authoring framework alleviates the need to create separate articles, computational narratives and slides by building them from a single markdown source. Since these artefacts are intended for web publication, they can take advantage of modern technologies that can make them interactive, thus more engaging. For example, the RISE extension of the Jupyter Notebook platform [Avila, 2020] allows launching reveal.js presentations with executable code boxes. By building bespoke plugins, we can enable support of less prominent programming languages (recall the aforementioned example of SWI Prolog) and create additional output formats such as blog posts or academic posters. Since the materials are delivered as web pages, technological barriers are lifted, portability is guaranteed and sharing is made easy. Finally, the proposed workflow can be deployed in education to prepare lectures, courseworks, exercises, notes and (self-)study materials, therefore supporting both synchronous and asynchronous learning – see the online release4 of our interactive edition [Flach and Sokol, 2018] of the Simply Logical textbook [Flach, 1994] for an example.







