5. Appendix#

Accessibility Statement#

The main output format of the proposed Jupyter Book publishing workflow are HTML pages, and the ubiquity of web technologies ensures availability of compatible accessibility tools. In particular, adherence to web accessibility standards and utilisation of commonplace assistive technology can render the artefacts of our workflow widely approachable. For example, tools such as navigation aids; screen readers; screen magnifiers; page display colour, contrast and brightness adjustments; as well as font (size and colour) customisation can be easily deployed. Additionally, accessibility of computational notebooks is constantly monitored and improved by the Project Jupyter’s Accessibility Working Group1. Similarly, the reveal.js platform allows inclusion of custom plugins, with availability of community-developed accessibility improvements2.

Since the generated web resources are static (from the technology perspective), they can be downloaded onto a personal computer and browsed offline. The use of modern web technologies makes them responsive, thus compatible with computers and mobile devices of varying screen size. In addition to the HTML output, the proposed workflow can build other popular formats such as PDF or EPUB, which are suitable for tablets and e-readers. We envisage hosting the content source files at popular code sharing and versioning platforms – such as GitHub or Bitbucket – that support rich ticketing and issue management systems. In particular, the readers can use these mechanisms to provide feedback and raise accessibility concerns.


This work was supported by the TAILOR Network3 – an ICT-48 European AI Research Excellence Centre funded by EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, grant agreement number 952215. Among others, TAILOR explores novel ways of working and publishing, including AI-powered collaboration tools, and AI training platforms and materials.





